LiveLikeJuliaMy latest book in the Kick Ass Women Series, Julia Child Rules: Lessons On Savoring Life, comes out October 1, 2013.To celebrate the publication, and the wisdom and spirit of Julia Child, I am looking for people as passionate as Julia to test drive her rules for living life to the fullest.
– Karen

How to #LiveLikeJulia

1. Choose a rule from the ten above that you want to test drive for at least one week.

2. Email me to get an e-file of the chapter about your rule from my new book, Julia Child Rules.

3. Write a post (or posts) on your blog about your experience living like Julia. Use #LiveLikeJulia on Twitter and Facebook so we can find each other.

What’s in it for you? Aside from the joy found in living like Julia, plus tons of mentions, tweets, retweets, linkage, and love, the blogger who best captures what it’s like to savor life the Julia Way will receive a print of one of the whimsical illustrations from Julia Child Rules, chosen by illustrator and fine artist Mark Steele.  If the winner is extra nice, he’ll inscribe it, too.

Win A Mark Steele Illustration

Mark Steele illustration small


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